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刘健 Jian Liu
广东省人民医院 Guangdong provincial people's Hospital, China | 心血管外科

刘健,副主任医师,医学博士,硕士研究生导师,广东省人民医院瓣膜及冠心病外科手术组长,广东省人民医院房颤中心专家委员会副主任。Heart Center, Linkoping University Hospital, Sweden、Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB)访问学者,复合型心血管病专家。担任中华医学会胸心血管外科学分会青委会委员,中国医师协会心血管外科医师分会青委会委员,中国研究型医院学会心房颤动防治专业委员会委员,大湾区心脏瓣膜病微创治疗学会秘书长、亚洲瓣膜病学会中国分会介入治疗技术学术委员会委员,国家心血管病专家委员会微创心血管外科专委会委员,国际微创心胸外科学会会员(Member of ISMICS),广东省人民医院房颤中心专家委员会副主任委员,中国医师协会心血管外科医师分会心律失常专业委员会委员,中国医师协会心血管外科医师分会微创专业委员会委员,中国生物医学工程学会免疫治疗工程分会第一届委员会青年委员,《中华生物医学工程杂志》中青年编委,《中华生物医学工程杂志》、《中国胸心血管外科临床杂志》等杂志审稿专家,中国未来研究会未来生物医学工程分会第一届心血管3D打印专业委员会委员, Guest Editor of Medicine Advances。

Jian Liu, medical doctor, postgraduate mentor, surgical team leader of the section of cardiovascular surgery in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, a comprehensive cardiovascular disease expert. 

He is a visiting scholar at the Heart Center, Linkoping University Hospital, Sweden and Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin. He serves as a member of the Youth Committee of the Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the Youth Committee of the Cardiovascular Surgery Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation of the Chinese Research Hospital Society, the secretary-general of the Minimally Invasive Treatment Society for Heart Valve Diseases in the Greater Bay Area, a member of the Academic Committee for Interventional Therapeutic Techniques of the Chinese Branch of the Asian Society for Valvular Heart Disease, a member of the Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery Committee of the National Cardiovascular Expert Committee, a member of of ISMICS, the deputy director of the Expert Committee of the Atrial Fibrillation Center of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, a member of the Arrhythmia Committee of the Cardiovascular Surgery Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Minimally Invasive Committee of the Cardiovascular Surgery Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, a young member of the first committee of the Immunotherapy Engineering Branch of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-08-14 12:00-12:15 直播间21

外科介入和其他(二) Surgical Intervention et al. Session 2

讲者 Speaker 人工二尖瓣衰败的VIV的经验Transcatheter Valve-in-Valve Implantation in Mitral Degenerated Prosthesis